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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Favorite Pieces Duplication

If you are like me when you find a piece that you like and you use it to make several cards, or altered items and you get to the last one you never seem to want to use that last one.  I have found away so that is not a problem any longer.  I used amazing putty can be purchased at Michaels, or Hobby Lobby, not sure if AC Moore carries it.  It is pricey about $20 for the box but so worth it, just use those coupons.  This stuff turns too a rubber silicone mold in minutes.  After placing your image in the clay it will need to set like 20-30 minutes in there after you pop it out and you have a mold of your favorite item.  Use can use the sculpey clay in colors or just use white and then paint your item with acrylic paint. They are super lite so weight wont be an issue for your card making.  Enjoy the  video and don't fret about that being your last item you can make as many as you want now with this wonderful product.  Thanks for watching.

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